September 27-29, 2024
This is a private page for members of Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Church, their male relatives and personal friends, to register for the Cry of the Forerunner Retreat at a discounted rate. Please do not share this link to anyone else or with public forums.
Per the email invitation which I sent to the parish on 4 September, any HTOC member who has registered for the retreat at the initial price of $175 price will receive a $75 cash refund from me. (Please do not re-register for the retreat here. I know who you are.)
I am making this offer because I believe the retreat offers an excellent message and experience, and I want to share that with you and encourage your fellowship with other Orthodox men.
Full information about the retreat can be found at this link.
To register for the Retreat ONLY (at the discounted rate of $100), please use this link.
To register for the Retreat (at the discounted rate of $100) AND for the Male Bonding Party (regular price of $25), please use this link.
To register for the Male Bonding Party ONLY, please use this link.
If you’re not on my mailing list, please subscribe now so you’ll be among the first to receive updates when I have something else to offer.
Thank you.