Maybe you’re a younger man, not sure how to go about “adulting.” Or an older man, who’s done everything right, everything he’s supposed to do, and yet, … in both cases… you know there’s something missing.
Chris Williamson, in his Modern Wisdom podcast (episode 712 at 2:45:45) talks about this and says, “it feels like a quarter-life crisis. I think so many men go through this. They go, ‘I either succeeded or didn’t succeed at a game that I was told that I was supposed to value playing, and, upon reflection, I really don’t care for it as much as I thought I did.'”
Are you one of those men? One who either hasn’t figured out “the game” yet, or, who has played it well, only to realize it wasn’t all that it was hyped up to be? Maybe you’ve lost the fire.
I’d like to suggest that your fire hasn’t gone out. It’s still there. Maybe it’s just a few embers glowing under the ashes, but you’ve still got it.
I want to help you rekindle your fire, restore those embers to a full flame and use that flame to forge a clear future for yourself so that you can have the life and relationships you’ve always dreamed of.
Are you up for it?
Hit me up for a free 1-hour coaching call. We’ll start work on clarifying your vision, consider some of the challenges you’re facing, assess your commitment to living out your vision, and forge a plan to get you there.
All you have to lose is another day of wishing for the life you want and regretting that you don’t have it.