Showing 25 Result(s)

Ep 7, What do men want?

In this video, I take a 30,000 ft view to the question of what men want. In it, I identify 5 broad desires men have and then fill in some of the details:
1. A life of meaning and great purpose,
2. A relationship with a woman and good sex,
3. Community with other men,
4. Responsibility, and
5. To feel alive.

Young Men Need Help

30 Jan 2023. Tony Kaizen Podcast #178 Fr. Michael Butler is a priest, men’s coach, and amateur bodybuilder who aims to help men be the best they can be by recovering authentic manhood through Orthodox Christianity. Intro. Why did you get into social media. The Industrial Revolution. Feminism. Nice guys. Be assertive. Be more masculine. …

“Courage & Masculinity”

29 Mar 2023. A talk I gave at the Iron Council’s live meetup, the Maine Event, on 9 Oct 2022, on “Courage, or How to Man Up.” I discussed: Courage, and it’s place among the four classical virtues of courage, moderation, prudence, and justice. Why courage must come first, and the definition of courage. I …